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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our family loves craft projects---we have markers, scissors, glitter, glue guns, crayons, paper, ribbons, and all kinds of assortments of craft materials all over the house. It's getting to be a bit out of control...

For our 2021 Valentine project, we found a coloring page online of the sacred heart, and the girls colored about ten of these with their markers. They were so colorful and beautiful and we wanted to do something even more special with them. Claire cut hers out, and we found the red cardstock to add a heftier background. Then we used the Mod Podge to add a glossy top coat. After completing our first ten valentines, we created an assembly line so that all of the children colored and colored and colored their little coloring sheets. Thankfully the little girls *love* to color with markers, so it was a joy and not a labor. The most time-consuming was cutting the flames of the heart and the accompanying cardstock that was about a half-inch bigger than the heart cutout. We made about one-hundred Valentine's sacred hearts for all of the children's school friends, teachers, our neighbors, and our friends!!! God is so good! Happy Valentine's Day! St. Valentine, pray for us!


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