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Monday, February 15, 2021


I receive so much wisdom from Fr. Dave Nix: here, he offers a homily on making a good, holy confession.  My intention for this upcoming Lent is to dedicate myself to the sacrament of confession. It is good practice to begin Lent with a proper shriving (hence the name Shrove Tuesday); and this Lenten season I hope to begin weekly confession for a strengthening of my soul. It is a sacrament that remains entirely mysterious yet necessary to me....of course, this can be said of every sacrament, yes?! I have created patterns for my confession that need changing, and it is this Lent that I seek to invigorate my sacramental practice of confession with new zeal, new regularity, and new confessional locations. For the past ten years I have gone to the same church at the same time with (virtually) the same priests. I seek to experience a new vulnerability--a way to avoid a perfectionistic or scrupulous attitude--with regard to my confession and penance. I am seeking advice and spiritual direction from my friends and priests for ways to experience this vital sacrament in new profound ways. Right now, I am reading Adrienne Von Speyre's mystical theological exposition on Confession. This will be a purgative and powerful Lent, I pray that God wills it.

This video from Fr. Mike Schmitz is amazing and inspiring. I had never considered before that priests offer penance and fasting for those they absolve in persona Christi. Wow. God's mercy is endless.

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