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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Conversation with Christ

“All St. Teresa would have us do is fill our minds and memories with Christ, so that we might more easily talk to Him. She wisely enunciates a fundamental rule of meditation: that prayer consists not in thinking much, but in loving much.”

“The best over-all preparation for successful meditation is a personal conviction of its importance and a staunch determination to persevere in its practice. If one has acquired this attitude of mind, he has made a splendid preparation for his meditation.”

“We are accustomed to think that the saints experienced none of our common difficulties at prayer, that their meditations were untrammeled periods of repose in God. St. Teresa quickly dissipates this false notion. The saints at prayer were often in troubled waters--can we expect any less?”

“Yes, St. Teresa was right: meditation is the ‘royal highway to heaven.’”

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