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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Women at the Well


" The Rosary has become such a part of my daily existence  that it is difficult to reflect back on a time when it wasn’t an habitual prayer. How did I manage the day without the graces that the Rosary bestows? How did I avoid the traps that the devil craftily devises to ensnare and defeat me in his path of destruction? How did I grow in holiness, in love of the Lord, in patience with my family, in charity and in obedience without this practice of the Rosary? By the grace of God I navigated this vale of tears, and yet, when I reflect on the dangerous road I blindly traveled, I am heart-sickened by the barrenness of my previous condition. The lack was so large, the absence so noticeable, the prayer life so haphazard, that it seems miraculous that I somehow landed safely in this spot, in this moment of blessing with baby and breakfast and sunrise and prayer.... "


" As Mary always does, the Rosary directs us particularly towards Jesus. It is the Rosary that has provided the method of prayer for countless saints to populate heaven each with their own towering mystical tree, plentiful and fragrant, crowned with blossoms of roses and sweet fruits. Pope St. John Paul II describes the Rosary as a prayer that is 'destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness.' " 


[Read more at "Women at the Well"]

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