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Friday, September 17, 2010

Iowa Barn Quilts

Last Christmas when I visited my hometown of Galt, Iowa, I snapped this photo of a farmstead just off of Highways 69 and D20. What struck my photographic attention was the colorful quilt square on the red barn. In the past few years, these 8' x 8' quilt squares have been popping up on barns all across Iowa and Nebraska alike. Besides their aesthetic appeal, these squares do much to promote barn restoration projects and the preservation of the rural architectural landscape.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Galt Girl. I am doing a virtual tour with my grandaughters of Galt Iowa. "Why?", you may ask. My husband's grt-grt-grt-grandparents settled in Galt. They are the Paul and Helen Claude family. I do genealogy, so I thought this was perfect opportunity to visit Galt via photos and maps. And as an added bonus, we would share their ancestors history. I am messaging you to see if you might have any photos of Galt that I could use in this virtual tour. Thank you for your time. Brenda
